Le Malt Royale Initial Membership Fee
Initial Fee of $995
Initial Fee of $995
Initial Fee of $995
1. Membership Initial Fee
Thank you for becoming a valued member of Le Malt Royale located at 22 West Front St. Red Bank, NJ.
2. Effective Date
Your membership becomes effective when the first day Le Malt Royale is open for business. The anticipated launch date for opening is January 15th, 2019.
3. Membership Dues
While this Initial Fee secures your membership, your monthly membership dues will be charged separately on a monthly basis after the launch of the club. Membership dues will depend on the type of membership you signed up for.
4. Acknowledgements; Non-Transferable
You understand that we will not hold your Initial Fee separately or in an escrow or trust fund or pay any interest on your Initial Fee. Your membership is not transferable or assignable to another party without the prior written approval of Le Malt. Le Malt reserves the right to cancel and refund the Initial Fee without prior written consent.
5. Terms & Conditions
For detailed terms & conditions of your membership, please visit: lemaltroyale.com/terms